• Deflect Negativity Video Update!

    Our Positive Mission In Life

            Deflecting negativity in our homes, jobs, churches, schools, workplace, and mainly in our minds is a hard task at times. noNEG101 is ready to help fight the battle.! When negative vibes come raining down, raise your shield to deflect the negativity like noNEG Nix. Even though the Nostradamus Effect seems to be everywhere, when it searches us out we can fight the battle with a smile, a kind word, a loving touch, a positive attitude, and an enthusiastic approach to everything we do! If we are what we eat, then we definitely are what we think. And by spinning the negative into the positive (flip the positive switch), we will grow to proportions we never thought possible. A world of positive thoughts is our goal. noNEG101 encourages people to start dedicating themselves to positive thinking by deflecting negative energy in our homes, in our jobs, in our churches, in our schools., and mainly in our minds. The Louisville-based Company introduces noNEG101 with noNEG Nix – the willowy boy with the shield deflecting negative energy all around him – a true superhero in today’s turbulent times.
            When negative forces and negative influences start infiltrating his mind, Nix quickly flips it around and turns bitter lemons into sweet lemonade. Nix will be a universal symbol of turning negative thoughts into positive results. His shield will be as recognized as Superman’s cape. Nix’s image and trusty shield will arrive on t-shirts, hats, coffee mugs, bumper stickers, wrist bands, and many other items as a constant reminder to deflect negative images and to continue thinking positive. Nix wants to empower people to see the beauty in the world, not the negatives the media flashes across our news screens and Internet sites on a daily basis. noNEG Nix’s philosophy is one that will empower the world with positive messages and help change lives for the better. The founders of the company are positive thinkers who have faith and total belief in themselves they will help others by spreading the positive mindset. Like Louisville’s living legend, Muhammad Ali, noNEG101 wants to shake up the world. We put up our dukes and Nix’s shield when the world casts down negativity. “Flip the Positive Switch” and “Rock the Positive”. Take positive charge of your life.

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  • The Positive Power of Words

           Words are things! Just as thoughts are things! Choose your words wisely; the power of your words has consequences. Sometimes they are elevating; sometimes they are destructive. Words can hurt, heal, inspire, inform, confuse, or deceive. Words can restore a life or ruin one. Words can divide or unite; words can build positive bridges or they can put up negative barriers. Our speech is powerful; if we carelessly use words we deliberately choose negativity.
           We set in motion damaging negative forces that threaten our conditions in a negative way. When we choose our words in positive harmony, we invoke positive results. This is one of the great challenges that will make the world a better place. A time when we can all come together united and carefully choose our words in the positive manner. True harmony shall emerge. The power of positive words does one good. Talk positive today! Now that’s positive!

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  • Master Mind – “NIXisms”

           Your thoughts are the molds in which the subconscious mind inside of you forms substance into your circumstances to create your life’s reality! Fact! The secret to achieve your desires is blessing the desires in your life! Blessings create the expansion and growth of thoughts. So then likes attract likes! So bless what you want! What you desire! Then hold the thought in your mind! With desire and thankfulness, bless it and know it without a doubt that you will receive your blessing. Then release it with FAITH!
           You shall attract what you bless! By the Law of Expansion and The Law of Attraction you will receive in your life what you bless in your mind. So don’t complain and attract more of what you don’t want. Bless what you DO WANT, what you DO DESIRE, and all you have to do is change your method of thinking. Then autosuggest deliberately what you want, desire it, and bless it. Watch it grow and manifest into your reality. Stay Positive! Deflect Negativity!

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  • Your Positive Imprint

    Whatever your thoughts, beliefs, opinions, theories, or dogma; you imprint, engrave, or impress them on your subconscious mind. You will experience them as real, objective manifestation of your circumstances, conditions, and events. What you impress inside, you will experience on the outside. You have two sides to your life; objective and subjective, visible and invisible, thought is your reality. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “a man is what he thinks all day long” is true! Knowing that, we should deliberately think in positive manners. Positive thoughts of prosperity, riches, wealth, health, joy, and freedom are what we should be thinking. Impress what you truly desire; what you think and your thoughts are here now and coming. The positive power of your subconscious mind is enormous and will reward you if you think positive!

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  • Sum Positive Total

           You are the sum total of your own thoughts. You should keep from entertaining negative thoughts and negative imagery. The way to get rid of darkness is with light. The way to overcome cold is with heat. The way to overcome negative thought is to flip the positive switch and substitute the negative thought with a positive, good thought. The negative thought will vanish like magic. Simple as that, just BE like noNEG “NIX” and raise your positive shield to deflect all negativity. The sum total will be life changing, add up the positive results.

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  • Leave the Excuses Behind

           Don’t go putting limits on yourself and placing blame on others while looking for ways out of situations. Don’t make up excuses why things can’t be done and avoiding uncomfortable confrontations and undesirable conditions. Not accepting the challenges and denying personal accountability and self-responsibility is not acceptable. Excuses are a loser’s best friend; excuses derive from Mr. Negative’s mental negativity class. There is always a way to accomplish anything that you want and desire to do. If you think positively, have positive faith, and have positive belief in yourself that “YOU CAN” and “YOU WILL”, then it is done to you. You will overcome and accomplish all that you set out to do.
           When you so choose to use the power of having the right, positive wining mindset everything magically becomes easy for you; and you will not need excuses anymore. Excuses are beliefs; if you buy into them you are stuck with a negative belief system! So think powerful positive thoughts and leave your negative excuses behind and you will start to attract your desires to you. Wealth, success, riches, abundance, health, freedoms, and unlimited prosperity is knocking at your door, let it all in. So what your excuse now! Begin to soar with a positive mental attitude (PMA)! Winners never have an excuse. Winners accept all challenges. Winners overcome all obstacles. Winners stay positive and make it all happen.

    Flip the Positive Switch today!




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