• The Mind’s Eye

    Thought Clarity, start by getting a clear picture in your mind of your dreams and goals. Feeling as if your dreams and goals are already won so you are highly emotional about them, therefore assigning them a high degree of importance in your subconscious mind by automatic association. Visualize your dreams and your goals; feel them ,see them, become them. Reinforcing them over and over again remember the subconscious minds primary function is to achieve all your dreams and goals. It is your Aladdin’s Lamp principle inside your mind “your wish is my command“.

    You possess this very amazing power inside you. By properly setting your mind in the POSITIVE direction you will achieve your dreams and your goals with astonishing speed. Most people don’t set their dreams and goals, thus they are unaware of this latent power within. They are wandering, forever lost on the highways of life, seeing no goals and finding no opportunities! They are taking a carless drive through life with no destination in mind; winding up inevitably at the crossroads of gloom and doom .The time is now to flip the POSITIVE Switch! Have a major definite purpose in your mind. If you’re looking for the magic key that will unlock the door to your source of success you have the power. You have the key in your Own hands, and you make use of it the moment you make use of learning to control your thoughts. Think Positive thoughts.

    Use the wisdoms to create your POSITIVE LIFE!

    Checkout noNEG101.com Flip the POSITIVE switch Deflect Negativity, “NIX”

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  • Stay Positive Song Review!

    No Neg Nix, Stay Positive Song Review!

    I’m checking out the new song by Lucid Grey’s Clark Cranfill and Greg Huff for Frank Karaglanis’s No Negativity concept he has going now. The song “Deflect Negativity” is a laidback tune that sounds almost Raggae at times. It has a funky acoustic beat with some scratching on guitar, and Clark Cranfill’s vocals sound good in a Days Of The New kinda way. It’s a little too happy/uppity for my tastes, but it is still a well-written, groovy little song. 

    I can almost hear some Island steel drums going on in my head and see some Rastafarian puffing away all the while, deflecting bad energy from coming his way.I don’t really understand this whole concept, but you can’t really argue with what Frank is doing. Who wants a bunch of bad negative crap in their lives? I’ve dealt with negative people in my life and it’s something I do not want around. Life is too short to deal with crap. Stay positive and keep your head held high. Frank has shirts and merchandise for sale. They look very cool too! Check out his page at Facebook.com/noneg.nix


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  • Mental Mechanics

    Positive NIXISM for You! Yeah You! You have within you right now the potential to bring more health, more wealth, more freedom, and more power into your own life than you ever dreamed possible. You don’t need to acquire this potential .You already possess it .You just need to learn how to use it, direct it. Understand that your thoughts shape your world. So mold your thoughts deliberately to your dreams and your goals.

    Understand it so you can apply it to all departments of your life! With Positive Mental Mechanics, that is thinking correctly deflecting all negatives, you will jump-start your life. A Positive Launch with a date for your successful destiny. The power of your will and the clarity of your positive thoughts will be your reality! Think Positive amazing thoughts! What we do not see but think within becomes what we are! Concepts of precise wisdom for your inner journey of Positive Self discovery.

    Flip the Positive Switch Today!
    Live you’re Dreams!
    Be Positive, check out http://www.noNEG101.com, “NIX”

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