• The Wills, The Won’ts, and The Can’ts

    There are three types of people in the world.

    The Wills, the Won’ts, and the Can’ts

          The wills are people who accomplish everything they put their mind to. The Won’ts are people who oppose everything and are stagnant. The Cant’s are people who fail at everything because they already believe they will fail. Will Power is a positive trait that consists of invincible determination; and strong, courageous positive belief in oneself! A conscious power built within oneself through Positive thinking! Iron will and firm Positive persistence builds character and conquers all negative circumstances. All doors are opened for the strong hearted, Positive will minded! Join the Wills today.


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  • Mr. Positive and Mr. Negative

    Mr. Positive and Mr. Negative

    There are two types of characteristics in all people; Positive thinking people (+ Mr. Positive) and Negative thinking people (– Mr. Negative).

    Characteristics of Mr. Negative:

    – Mr. Negative is always frowning, complaining, and moping around.

    – Mr. Negative is always blaming someone or something.

    – Mr. Negative always has a good convincing excuse for why something can’t be done.

    – Mr. Negative always doubts things can be done.

    – Mr. negative is never certain of anything.

    – Mr. Negative doesn’t appreciate what he has and he whines about what he doesn’t have.

    – Mr. Negative cannot be counted on.

    – Mr. Negative is angry at the world when things go wrong.

    – Mr. Negative fears what “may” happen.

    – Mr. Negative spends most of his time worrying about things instead of taking action.

    – Mr. Negative doesn’t have faith in himself or anyone else.

    – Mr. Negative doesn’t believe in himself.

    – Mr. Negative always expects the worst.

    – Mr. Negative lives in discord and confusion.

    – Mr. Negative is not comfortable in his own skin, his conditions, or his surroundings.

    – Mr. Negative is not happy.

    – Mr. Negative lives life on the dark side with lack, dismay, and anger.

    – Mr. Negative is not accountable for his own actions; he never blames himself for his conditions in his world.

    Characteristics of Mr. Positive:

    + Mr. Positive is always smiling, always excited and full of energy.

    + Mr. Positive knows he can do whatever he put his mind to.

    + Mr. Positive is grateful and thankful for all that he has.

    + Mr. Positive makes the best out of every situation and never complains or blames anyone or anything.

    + Mr. Positive always finds a way to make things happen.

    + Mr. Positive doesn’t give excuses.

    + Mr. Positive is full of invincible determination.

    + Mr. Positive has the winning attitude, the “It” factor.

    + Mr. Positive is more than willing to help others.

    + Mr. Positive is full of creative energy.

    + Mr. Positive has unwavering faith within himself.

    + Mr. Positive expects to accomplish his goals and win all his ventures

    + Mr. Positive has a passion for life.

    + Mr. Positive lives life with a purpose.

    + Mr. Positive has burning desire.

    + Mr. Positive has a positive mental mindset.

    + Mr. Positive believes in himself with all his might.

    + Mr. Positive does not get angry, he does not worry, and he does not have fear.

    + Mr. Positive knows that there is abundance.

    + Mr. Positive chooses to live in harmony and peace with himself.

    + Mr. Positive knows whatever he desires, he will obtain.

    + Mr. Positive knows he creates his own environment, his own situations, and his own circumstances in the world.

    + Mr. Positive does not play the “blame game”.

    + Mr. Positive looks in the mirror and is happy with himself.

    + Mr. Positive knows how to use Positive thinking and right thoughts.

    + Mr. Positive knows how to flip the Positive switch to Deflect all Negativity.


    Just like noNEGNIX Raises his Shield of Positivity to Deflect all Negativity, you should do the same. Which are you – Mr. Negative or Mr. Positive? Make the choice today


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  • Positive Prinicples

    Positive principles

    You have control over three things in your life.

    1) The thoughts you think
    2) The Images you visualize
    3) The actions you take (your behavior)
    How you use the three positive principles determines everything that you will experience
    in your reality. Your circumstances are a direct results of your mental programming. If you do not like your Responses you are getting in your world, change your thoughts. ”Flip your Positive switch” and change your negative thoughts to positive to change your world. Change what you read, Change how you talk, Change who you associate yourself with, and make the positive choices. You will be simply surprised and amazed at the instant change. You are in charge of what goes in your mind. You are in charge of what you say, and what you do. The bottom line here is that you are creating your world. Your current thoughts and current feelings are creating tomorrow’s reality. Take Positive Control of three positive principles and use them to create your world as you desire. Be a Positive programmer.
    Stay positive
    Checkout noNEG101.com


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