• Kevin Ware: Positive Hero

    Kevin Ware Positive Hero

            Positive love and wishes go out to Kevin Ware, a courageous young man, a positive hero. He is a true champion with all the positive characteristic traits of an unselfish winner – Kevin Ware is an absolute dignified positive hero. He is a true champion in all aspects in life, a positive inspiration to all of us. Speedy recovery to the University of Louisville fighting cardinal’s positive hero. “Don’t worry about me, just go out and win the game” were the words from the fallen hero who lay on the ground with a devastating visible injury to his coach and teammates. His courage sparked the inner desire of his team that instantly became an invincible, unbeatable desire and they did it for him in hero style. Taking a close, nail-biting game lead with changing hands, the game displayed a heavy heart pounding rhythm as Louisville took the lead by an outrageous sum; they displayed their love for their fallen brother. Kevin’s injury was one of the most tragic sports injuries that have ever triggered a positive closeness with group of young men and a bond that will never fade. These are defining moments in life that never die, bless Kevin Ware, a positive hero! No matter what team is your favorite team or whomever you’re pulling for, your heart has to go Kevin Ware. His positive attitude, positive character, and positive heart is an inspiration to all of us in everybody’s book around the world. Our Prayers and best wishes go out to all. Speedy Recovery Kevin Ware!





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