• The Positive Boomerang Effect

            What you throw out at the universe through your thought vibration energies always comes back to you in one way or another in some shape or form. This is a fact, a powerful universal law of cause and effect. The fact is when you throw a boomerang out in this world, it will go out for a distance. Then the boomerang will make an abrupt turn right back towards you. You will certainly catch its return back to you where it first started, the origin of its launching point. So in knowing these great, amazing universal truths and wisdoms, why not throw out positives thought vibrations to the universe and receive healthy, happy, fruitful, and positive returns; they say what you put into something you will get back the equivalent plus more in return and it will be fruitful and multiply what you focus on! So the boomerang principal works like this, when you’re reaching out and helping others with positive deeds and events, you’re actually helping yourself receive more good more rewards in your world. The world is a mirror echo chamber of your dwelled upon thoughts. Your thought energies from inside your mind are eventually reflected to your outward results! Why not make them positive results. If you throw out a boomerang full of nasty negatives from Mr. Negative’s cleaver boomerang, get ready to receive a dark dose of lack, despair, destruction, and chaos. Use your positives awareness skills and only throw out positive boomerangs. For when you catch the return it will be a pleasant, happy, abundant, fulfilling, and a prosperous return. Enjoy the positive side of life today.

    Flip the positive Switch!




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  • Let’s Keep It Positive

            Everything we get in life comes to us through the gateway of our thoughts; everything in our life is based upon universal truths, laws, and principles. According to your thoughts, so will be your life results. Your mental attitude will be flung back to you every time. You have the ability to live a successful, prosperous, abundant, and happy life full of your dwelled upon desires and wishes. As long as you keep your mind aware, clear, open, focused, and disciplined on only upon positive, deliberate, right thinking habits and maintaining a strong healthy positive mental attitude (PMA), you magnetize more positive results to better your life in all ways.
           You have the innate ability to conquer all the negative, destructive, and painful aspects in your life by applying these simple universal positive principles. Every day in every way you are getting better, better, and better. This is a fact if you believe it to be true! So feed yourself positive autosuggestions and lets keep it positive and easy. Key positive helpful magical words plant the positive seeds in your world and saturate positives into your subconscious mind. Your mind is the master and physical matter will obey it directions. Nothing can ever come into your life except through the doorways of your thoughts, expectations, beliefs, and faith. Let’s keep it real simple and keep it only positive!

    Flip the positive switch!


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  • As You Think, You Will Certainly Be

           Your life will follow your thoughts, so think about what you’re thinking about very carefully! Align your thoughts skillfully and deliberately on positive outcomes, as you think you will certainly be. Focus only on the positive side of things. You can choose your thoughts; you have total freedom to make the choice. Nobody can make you dwell on something you do not want to dwell upon, you ultimately decide on what you will entertain in your mind. What you dwell upon magnetizes itself to you by the universal law; so don’t dwell on destructive, negative thoughts you don’t want and magnify more unwanted problems, chaos, and mischief. Quit dwelling on what you think is wrong in your life and start dwelling on only your thoughts of what is right in your life – dwell on the positives. If you don’t set the positive directions in your mind by the proper use of deliberate, right, positive thinking habits, you will allow the negative conditions, situations, and circumstances to direct you. As you think, you will certainly be. Make the right, positive choice and be like noNEG “NIX” and raise your positive shield to deflect all negatives thoughts. Just simply “NIX” them out of your mind and only allow the right, positive side of life. Be the positive victor, not the negative victim!

    Flip the positive Switch today!




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  • Resistance Radio 5/12/2013


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