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    Soaring with noNEG NIX is Positive!



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  • Magic IS Positive Belief

            What is magic? The truth is Magic is belief; that’s right strangely enough Magic is a positive belief. A certain focus upon desire, a wanted or chosen activity, event, or thing will become done for you. This is out of the normal realm of explanation and logically appears to be unattainable; basically it seems like next to impossible and unbelievable to most of us. It certainly does not make any sense because of the obstacles, tasks involved, the current situations, conditions, and circumstances of the surrounding environments. Thus it is not agreeable or accepted by all modern science practices, technologies, and physics – all things which defines all typical logic and reality. Having a strong, invincible belief and faith within you that your chosen desired thing, event, or activity to be done for you is the magical key here. Whatever you believe and have faith in will appear in your world just like magic! Magic is accomplished inside you, your mental powers within your subconscious mind creates your desired results no matter how impossible they may seem to be; your belief system and the strength of your faith will determine the magic that will appear to you. Belief and faith opens the doors to the so called “impossible”. Belief creates miracles. Throughout history the one common thread that remains woven through all important books, texts, and scriptures is belief and faith. All things are possible through unwavering faith and belief, being positive, and knowing that deep down inside you have all that you need. The magic IS within you. Just believe, relax, let go, and have faith. Tap in to that positive Magic! Abracadabra you’re magical. Get yourself a healthy dose of positive reinforcement today! Read the positive and check out all the Positive Items, You will like our new positive products!

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  • Think About This

            The only thing that separates you between what you are now and what you want to be is the way that you think! That’s right; your thoughts become your reality. Your destiny is when you understand and accept this positive fact and you will be ready to achieve and receive your desired dreams. When you live unaware in the dark of these vastly important universal truths, you live life reckless, carless, and confused in internal bondage being trapped to all the negative conditions, circumstances, and situations of Mr. Negative’s tactless army of bandits. They will gladly rob you of your dreams, your freedoms, your health, your wealth, and seize your mind with negative thoughts of dread, doubt, worry, fear, anger, and hate. It would be a life with no direct path or direction if you allow the negative thinking to invade your mind. Or you can raise your positive shield of protection like noNEG “NIX” and deflect all the negativity from your mind for good, just Nix it away! So the choice is simple, positive thinking or negative thinking. NOW you decide! Are you going to do something about it? Or are you just going to let your life just happen and be directed by whichever way the winds decides to take you without your say or opinion. Or are you going to take over and do something positive about it – like discipline your mind with deliberate, positive thinking habits. Take over your destiny and live your desired dreams.

    Flip The Positive Switch!





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  • New Positive Pictures


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  • Perfect Positive Puzzle

           Activate your positive life today! Choose positive thinking over negative thinking and focus your life on nothing but positive thoughts and positive thinking. Dwell on only positive aspects of what you desire and what you want in life. Give absolutely no energy, no thought whatsoever to what you don’t want. Use your positive privileges in your positive reward package and your positive magic that has been empowered to you from your disciplined positive thinking habits. All the pieces in the puzzle of your life will magically just fall into place and start to make sense to you. The “Positive Great Awaking” may seem difficult at first to begin your positive path because it does require time and discipline; however the positive mentally disciplined life is the easiest, most rewarding, enjoyable, and fun way to live life because it’s living the truth – the positive truth! Live your life according of the universal laws and know how to benefit from them in your desired favor from the proper positive use of the mental laws of cause and effect. The perfect positive puzzle you live in becomes crystal clear for you; the pieces now fit easily together and enables you to create your perfect positive picture of your desired dreams.

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