• Your Thoughts Are the Reasons

          Seek and you shall find, ask and you shall receive, knock and the door shall open. What you seek and ask for is actually seeking you; and the door of life is waiting for you to knock. The universe responds to your instructions and gives you what you think, what you ask for with the spoken word, and what you believe to be truth. When you knock the door shall be open to you. Your thoughts, words, and beliefs are the things that determine your actions and all other things. Your thoughts are the reasons for all seasons. When you ask be straight and sincere, for what you ask will certainly appear. Be it negative or be it positive your wish is enforced, what you speak about comes about. Life responds to our chosen thoughts, words, desires, and beliefs. This is the miracle of our mind and we are creating our world all the time. When we command a desired thing by a thought, a word, or a belief of certain things, we put out our personal order to the unseen universe with our stamp of faith to be served. The key to the life is simple, they say keep your thoughts positive and you will certainly find the way. You shall not be denied when you knock; the door will open for you, this is a fact! What you ask for is already waiting for you to receive and what you’re seeking has already found you. For when you so believe that these statements and facts I speak of are true, all that you can dream, imagine, desire, and want is already there just especially for you. So ask away with belief and faith. You have what it takes; your thoughts are the reasons for everything that occurs in your life in each and every season. Through the ages one thing has prevailed through the test of time and space, the universal laws have never failed and they remain steady, true, and strong. Learn the secret of positive thinking and create your brand new, amazing world with your new way of thinking!

    Flip the positive switch today!


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  • Think, Feel, Speak, and Believe

           Our thoughts, our feelings, and our words are incredibly powerful. What we chose to think, feel, speak, and believe has the innate magical ability to attract to us an exact mirror reflection of what we think, feel, speak, and believe. It will materialize either in a negative or positive way by matching our like thought vibrations. It will eventually come into our lives, by the powerful law of attractions. When we are able to acknowledge this and come to terms with the realization of the universal law of cause and effect, we can express our thoughts, our feelings, and our words appropriately. We can consciously choose the right positive thoughts, feeling, and words that we want. By focusing our thoughts, our feelings, and our words in the positive direction we are able to choose our path, our outcomes, and our destiny in a very positive way. When we think, feel, speak, and believe with positive conviction in ourselves, our thoughts, our feelings, and our words; our external conditions will match and we will live in tune with nature and the universal laws. We live according to what we think, feel, speak, and believe. It gives us the positive creation power to accomplish anything that we desire at anytime and anywhere. This is very positive!

    Flip the Positive switch today!



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    Positive Liberty

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