• Positive Quote of the Day

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  • Simple Secret Recipe

           Avoid all negativity at all cost. Say goodbye to all harmful, destructive, and negative thoughts, words, attitudes, and beliefs. Enjoy the benefits of a strictly positive healthy life style; this sounds easy enough and it really is. Just be aware of your thoughts for they soon become beliefs, words, attitudes, actions, experiences, and realities in your life. As the old familiar saying goes, give negative thought an inch to grow and it will grow a mile. Don’t be consumed with any thought that does not benefit you in your life. Let those thoughts slide off and fade away; only put energy on positive thoughts that will bring you good and benefit you in your world. Whatever thought you dwell upon will grow and eventually manifest in your experience sooner or later. So think only about what you want, dream, and desire to be and occur in your life. This is the simple secret recipe for success, prosperity, health, happiness, and accomplishment. Refrain from all negative thoughts and deliberately focus your time and energy on strong, healthy, positive thoughts and watch your life become positively amazing.

    Flip the positive switch today!


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  • Make It a Positive Thought

            We draw to ourselves energies similar to our own as well as similar to whatever we focus on in our thoughts. Thought vibrations of similar frequencies attract one another while those of different frequencies repel one another. Likes attract likes or birds of a feather always flock together like the old familiar sayings say – it is true. This is why we attract to us the things we focus on, think about, and give attention energy to. What you think about, you will bring about. When you think positive thoughts, you attract positive people, conditions, circumstances, situations, aspects, results, outcomes, and experiences. When you think negative thoughts you attract negatives of the same. Likes attract similar likes, always have and always will. Whatever you are seeking in life is actually seeking you; and you will certainly find it. Whatever you set the intention and expectation in your mind to, your mind will respond to it, attract it, and find it. You will always draw back to you the object of your thoughts, make it a positive thought. Let me state this again, likes attract likes. We attract to ourselves whatever we project out. Our thoughts and how we process them determines what we bring into our life experience. Make it a positive one!

    Flip the positive switch today!




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  • Tremendous Responsibility

            You get what you think about, this is universal law like it or not. Every thought you have travels into the universe and begins to take shape and form of some kind. This gives us a tremendous responsibility to monitor and discipline our thoughts that we put out into the world. A passing thought receives little energy and fades away eventually by the lack of energy given to it; but a reoccurring, dwelled upon thought that you give more creation energy to by attention, focus, and dwelling upon, the thought grows, develops, and manifest into your world. The more attention and focus you give to your thought, it feeds the energy of the thought and it begins to take a physical effect to your life experiences. It’s up to you to release good, strong, positive thoughts to the world and refrain from sending out bad, harmful, hurtful, destructive, and negative thoughts. Take positive responsibility right now, today to yourself and the world around you. Pay attention, focus, and dwell only upon positive thoughts.

    Flip the positive switch today!


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  • Positive Quote of the Day

    Quote 23


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