• Positive Quote of the Day



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  • Positive Thinking is Superior Thought

            Everything that you experience, see, feel, hear, touch, and taste; all conditions, circumstances, and situations in life all sprout from one thing – your dwelled upon thoughts! They are real reasons for all your cycles and seasons. THOUGHT is the actual source that is the real cause of all the effects that you experience and feel in your world. The way that you think is the way you approach YOUR life; your mind is your ultimate instrument in your life and you are the player. You have the choice to play in tune and in touch with positive thoughts or out of tune and out of touch with negative thoughts. Your life-determining instrument needs to be properly fine tuned with the right thoughts. Positive thinking is superior thought and your mind should be properly in tune with the power of positive thinking for within the hidden springs of your subconscious mind lies the power to create and live everything that you dream of, desire, and want. You have the power within you to make miracles happen with the right application of your thoughts, beliefs, words, and attitudes. Don’t settle for anything less than superior positive thoughts; they make your life a grand positive experience!

    Flip the positive switch today!




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  • Deep and Wide

             Are you living the life you want? Are you where you want to be? Are you living positive? Do you feel hopeless, trapped, and stuck? Does negativity have its nasty grip on you? Don’t let it! Negativity limits your life, keeps you in a dark dungeon, in a tight stranglehold, locked, chained, and shackled! Free yourself with empowering, positive thoughts; release the harmful shackles, chains, stranglehold, and grips. Come out of the dark dungeon of negativity and walk freely outside to the amazing new positive side of life – the wonderful world of light, happiness, peace, health, love, and prosperity. When you install a positive mental attitude (PMA) in life, good things start to happen and keep on happening time and time again in all your worldly experiences just like magic. The attitude that you keep is the same as what you reap; rewards run deep and wide on the positive side.
    Flip the positive switch today!


    Positive Gyser


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  • Dreams and Demons

            Dark, light; good, bad; happy, sad; glad, mad; and love, hate – all are just mirror odysseys, reflections, of your thoughts, words, and beliefs. The mindset and attitude that you keep and maintain determine what you shall experience. Be it positive or negative thoughts, both bring about the exact opposites, the polar effect to your feeling, experiences, and realties. Your thoughts can be dreams and demons for they both have one thing in common; they both stem from the inner core of your subconscious mind. Your dwelled upon thoughts bring them to your world. Whatever thoughts you feed, focus, and pay attention to the most will grow, blossom, and manifest into your world be it in a positive way – your dreams, wants, and desires – or in a negative way – your demons, misery, and the things you do not really want. Support the good positive thoughts that bring about your wants, desires, and dreams and avoid the bad, negative thoughts that harm, destruct, limit, and bring you misery, hurt, and pain. Slay you demons and say hello to your dreams! Positive solutions always overcome any negative situations. All solutions and answers to whatever negative aspect that is dragging you down right now is all just a positive mindset away.

    Flip the positive switch today!




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