• Never Give Up, Never Quit, Never Say Never, Not Ever!

            Life isn’t easy; this is a fact! It has its up and downs; pass ups; walk arounds; smacks; and stabs in the back. Laughter, smiles, joys, cries, tears, and frowns; it’s much easier when you’re up and so much harder when you’re down. In life it’s the way you respond to difficult oppressions, circumstances, situations, and conditions that are beyond your control. It’s how you get back up that matters the most in this wild roller coaster ride of life for it is certain as change, death, and taxes. The only thing you can control in this world that we live in is the way you choose to think about things. Just like noNEG NIX always says, “PMA (Positive Mental Attitude) will go a long way!” It will pick you up and get you through in a positive way each and every day. The key to life is to never ever give up, stay positive, stay focused, believe, and have invincible faith deep within yourself even when you’re all alone and you don’t understand.
           The ones you love with all your heart hurt you, rip and tear you apart, sell you out, give up on you, throw you under the bus, quit, and baffle you. Stay focused on your dream, be a mental positive giant machine. No one ever said it would be easy, but victory is sweet. To live this physical life is to feel emotions – love, joy, happiness, sorrow, and pain. Love is what living life is really all about; love is the most positive emotion of all. The power of love is magical, positive, and real. It’s heaven on earth, its surreal and you can’t ever feel real sorrow, hurt, or pain if you don’t really love for love exposes you. It leaves you vulnerable and opens the gates to all things. The key to life is to believe and have invincible faith in yourself when you have absolutely nobody else; it’s really all up to you. Take a good look in the mirror and smile, love yourself. I know it’s tough, harsh, and bit rough, but swallow your pride, let go of your ego, and wipe your tears. Dig deep inside somehow and never give up, never quit, and never say never – not ever! Give up and quit? Nasty, negative words and they are Mr. Negative’s best friends. They will steer you wrong all the way to the end; never EVER give up! This is the positive way to live, be like NIX and flip the positive switch today! Turn Mr. Negative’s hurt, pain, betrayal, and obstacles in to positive opportunities, gains, and victories. Thrive, rebuild, take courage, and live the positive life!

    Flip the positive switch today!




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