• Positive Power of Belief

           One who has absolute faith and belief in oneself will succeed at whatever one does. It is what we believe we can do, and will do, with positive, strong faith and conviction that will be done for us. The mind will lead us in the direction through our faith and conviction. The power of the subconscious mind will work like magic and will find the right, positive path for us to achieve all our desires. It will pull us to our beliefs and convictions. Having and maintaining positive beliefs creates a positive character; and a positive character is magnetic and sets out to the universe with positive energy pulses.
           Expect great things, believe great things, have faith in great things, and receive great things; all greatness will be yours. We are products of our thoughts and our beliefs. What ever we believe with passion, faith, and conviction with zero doubt; the mind conceives and believes and becomes fact! What we are seeking is actually seeking us through the amazing power of attraction of positive belief. Believe with all your heart and all your might and realize your dreams!

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  • Positive Goals and Desires

           The way you see and the way you feel about life is largely what you will receive from your life experiences. The choice of course is entirely yours to make, and you do so, believe it or not, through your thinking and speaking of your thoughts and your words. This is the invisible force that creates your life conditions and your life circumstances. One of the keys to life is learning how to, harness your powers through the deliberate actions of practicing positive, right thinking and applying them to your daily life. Learn the mental act of consciously deflecting all negative thoughts and all negative programming on oneself and to focus only upon powerful, good positive thoughts.
           Develop a positive purpose and a positive mental attitude. Give yourself a positive roadmap of positive goals and desires. With definitive, positive goals and positive aims you release your creative powers and positive things start to happen for you. Trust your positive self and react positively to all unexpected obstacles. It’s not the situation or circumstances that will make you succeed or fail; it is the way you see and think about yourself that will. Where there is positive dedication; discipline of positive, right thinking; and positive determination there is positive success. If you want to reach your positive goal, you must see reaching of the goal in your own mind before you actually arrive at the goal. Success is as easy for you as you believe it is to be. All unlocked doors are within your mind. Unlock your doors to reach your positive goals and desires.

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  • Does It Really Matter?

           Attitudes matter much more than you think. Having a positive attitude towards all things in your life is essential for your success. If you do not have the right positive, mental attitude when you take on or engage yourself with any project activity or event; it will certainly turn out with negative tones and disastrous outcomes. All the little things matter, all thoughts have a cause and effect. In this fast paced, busy world that we currently live in, it is easy to overlook these truths and get caught up in the “does it really matter” attitude of negative, wrong thinking that Mr. Negative preaches to the masses.
           Being positive and having the right perspective on things is vital; a positive mental attitude is extremely important! What you feel about things and think about things really does matter. Allowing yourself to see things on the bright side keeps you out of the dark side. Shine your positive light and choose to see the positive perspective on your daily actives. Staying positive despite Mr. Negative’s famous “it doesn’t really matter” negative attitude; all thoughts and words effect your world reality regardless, it is a fact. I would say, “It really matters”! Be positive! No matter where you are or what you’re doing have a positive mental attitude about what you do and do it well.

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  • Something More

            Wake Up heavy hearts wake up! Don’t let your life just fly right by you; pass you up as if the wind was blowing through you on an easy, warm, breezy, summer day. Wipe the dust off, pick yourself up off the ground, hold your head up high, shed that old negative skin, and live life new and whole again in new positive skin. Don’t you want something more? Are you living behind the mask, a stranger in your own masquerade? When you scream do your lips not make a sound? When you walk do your feet touch solid ground? Do you think your future is set in stone? Are you where you always wanted to be? It’s time to change your whole world; it’s time to wake up to something more! If you have to believe in something, it might as well be yourself – be the reason you laugh a little louder, smile a little brighter. Things aren’t always what they seem to be, everything is exactly what you think and believe it to be.
            Don’t care about the rules, make your own. Don’t get buried underneath negativity, your soul is raging to be unleashed. Don’t let your dreams burn down, wake up heavy heart it’s time to feel alive, be alive, act alive! Breathe a little easier, love a little harder, and have no fear, no worries, no doubt, no anger. Live your life as if were your last day, be the one in million! You deserve something more, go out and get it, make it happen, and live your dreams! Don’t let anything get in your way; this is your second chance. Learn from your mistakes now as it is totally up to you; get out of the wrong and into the right, make your life count. Stand up for something! if you’re not standing up for something, your laying down for anything, and standing up for nothing. Be the flame, get the positive message, be the light, see in color, hear in rainbows. Feel the positive experience, the excitement, the thrill, and the blessing of your five senses. Rediscover, redeem, and enjoy your life to the fullest; be positive, be happy, don’t be a blur. No apologies! You’re now on the untraveled road of your destiny and you’re in the driver’s seat. Take the positive wheel and have fun with it!

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  • Tick Tock

           Tick tock! Time is a thief to those who don’t use it properly. Don’t let it slip away, fade out, dissipate, rob, or steal away your visions, ideas, dreams, wants, wishes, hopes, and desires. Time evaporates too quickly into thin air for it’s here today and gone tomorrow! Use your time wisely and respect it for you will never get it back. Time waits for absolutely no one! Fly with time; step into your dream; and be the positive insinuator in your life, not the negative procrastinator. Don’t put off your life, live it to the max fearlessly with immense desire, passion, excitement, adventure, moxie, and fire. Pleasures, riches, smiles, rewards, and treasures come to the truly active seeker, reacher, and believer. Maximize every moment and transform your time. Be the tick and tock within the clock, live your life without limits and blocks.

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