Most people only receive the pre – programmed conditioned negative channels in their world. Their interior receiver, their antennas, were pre- programmed from early years and settings have remained untouched exactly the same – the unadjusted status quo. Therefore, most people only absorb negativity signals and negative results in there conditions, events, and circumstances in their life. Most people are not even aware of the negative world. Most people’s minds then get caught in the web of negativity and they just simply accept what they have been programmed to receive as the way of life; and let it be as it is and so that is that.
Most assume that there is nothing they can really do about anything anyway, they think there is no way out and don’t allow themselves to receive anything else but the negative conditions that have been programmed into them from the wrong negative signals. Changing all of this is quite simple really. Just a minor adjustment will work. Try adjusting your antenna, wiggle it to receive the positive wavelengths and allow the positive signals to come to you. Allow the positive feed signals to resonate inward and absorb them. Free yourself from your negative, limited, trapped, dark, tight dungeon of old thinking habits that comes from receiving negative signal waves from the Professor of negativity himself – Mr. Negative!
When you properly adjust your antenna to receive the positive wave signals you will see things brighter, bigger, and hear things clearer. You will interpret things differently and your perspective will become energetic, magnetic, and open. The unopened doors of the world suddenly open wide. The world is simpler, clearer, and more enjoyable. When you replace the old worry some, doubtful habits, complaining, blaming, and angry thoughts with pleasant, happy, positive, prosperity, successful, right thinking thoughts; everything becomes magical in you world. So if your antenna is not receiving positive signals, adjust your antennas. Wiggle the positive to revive the positive signals in your life. Tune in your positive antenna, Mr. Negative certainly will not like it; but you will be glad you did. Adjust your thinking to the positive and allow yourself to receive all of life’s positive benefits. You never know what you are missing until you adjust the antenna correctly. Flip the positive antenna today and receive your positive signals.
Flip the Positive Switch today!
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