• Positive Invitation

           When focusing on any thought, it becomes easier to continue to focus on the thought because the law of attraction is making more thoughts like the ones you our focusing on available to you. The law of attraction states that what we focus on, we draw more of the same back to us. So whatever you give your attention to, you’re receiving more of it like it or not. Therefore there is nothing you cannot be, have, or do; if you use the principles for your well being. When you understand the laws of attraction, you are never surprised for you understand through your own thought process you have invited everything to yourself.
           Nothing can, nor will occur, without your invitation of it, through your thought process. Every thought you give attention to expands and grows and becomes bigger whether it is a thought of something you want or a thought of something you don’t want. Choose what you focus on and think upon wisely. Think positive, receive positive. Which is like itself is drawn to itself. Only invite positive thoughts to your world; only extend the positive invitations. Your desires and beliefs are just thoughts you ask through your intentions, your wants through your desires, and you attract your mirror echo thoughts back to you like a powerful magnet. Refrain from inviting Mr. Negative from the positive invite party, he will try his best to slip in. But this is a positive party and is by invite only.

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