Your expectations rule the outcomes in your life. If you have no expectations, then what you will get is what you expect – absolutely nothing! What did you expect? If you expect negative results, circumstances, and conditions, then that’s what you will get. If you expect positive aspects in your life, then that is exactly what you shall receive – positive outcomes. All expectations are exactly just like the Dr. ordered. Your expectations are your prescriptions to pre-conceived thoughts, good bad, or ugly. Whether you realize it or not your unconscious mind has expectations; it your job to tap into them with the use of right, positive thinking. The positive rule of thumb is to expect the best always. Expectations create your vision, remember celebrate the past, live fully in now, and consciously create your positive future. Find your vision, commit to your vision, have faith in your vision, and believe your vision with all your might. Expect the end results of your desired vision as a huge, amazing success story. Be clear and concise about your expectations. The positive rule of thumb is to enjoy your life, expecting to do so, on all accounts by your positive success.
Flip The Positive Switch today!
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