It’s What’s Inside That Is Really Important

         As you travel in your life journey things will change, this you will see; but the really important things in life never change, they always remain the same. What’s in the heart stays in the heart and what is in the mind is imprinted for all time. For time will take its weathered toll on all outward appearances in life; we know this is a certain fact, but there is no space or time for what’s inside your secret place deep inside your mind. You may look in the mirror and not recognize your face anymore and wonder where it has gone, for you feel the same but look different in time. The ego needs to learn to let go of all the outward superfluities in life, which haunt and taunt the mind. What’s really important in life is not what’s outside, nor can it been seen with the naked eye, felt by ones hand, heard by ones ear, tasted, or spoken by ones voice. It’s not any of the five senses that speak freely to the mind, but it is from the secret place that radiates deep from within. It’s your spirit, the love, and the light from the mind and the heart that doesn’t age or fade in time or space. It’s your imprint – it is real, it is you! Remember what makes a thing in your life real is your faith and belief in it for them to be real. It’s important to think positive, have a positive mental altitude (PMA), dream your life’s positive dream, and let go of the ego, all superfluities, all negatives, and trust everything will turn out just the way they’re supposed to be n your mind. Everything else will take care of itself. It’s what inside that’s really important for it molds, forms, shapes, creates, and makes the unseen appear real and seen. Life is what you think and believe it is, make it positive!

Flip the positive switch today!


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