• An Honest Look

            The mirror is the maze of inner reflections. It’s an honest look to your points of views that transpire your self-conscious and awareness, to the laws that govern your reality, your blessed field of dreams, or your cursed dungeon of sorrows. The great redeemer is your mind and the desire of your faith. Now is all that you have, live in it! Life is and always will be exactly what you believe it to be; when you focus on positive thoughts they become a positive habit, an automatic response in your life. A positive habit is an absolute, divine virtue of a successful mastermind; a worldly achiever is a positive, strong believer. You no longer hold on to or dwell upon negative connotations, doubts, worries, or fear. You acquire the art of knowing, living in truth of absolute certainty, no longer wishing or hoping for things to occur or happen. You gain absolute, positive confidence and the power of a warrior by releasing all unhealthy, harmful, destructive, negative energies. You become equipped to deal with any of life’s challenges, adversity, conflicts, problems, obstacles, or hardships that may develop on your exciting voyage of adventure to the positive, promised land of love, happiness, peace, milk, and honey. Toughness inside reflects directly outside for a pure, positive mindset is your coat of amour, your shield of protection, and your sword of honor, glory, and virtue. Take an honest look at your life now, today, and make all the necessary positive changes needed. Transform your beliefs to “I can!” and “I will!” Know with purity and demonstrate with absolute faith your desires. Live life certain of your results and outcomes; don’t leave it to chance anymore. Rock the positive world!

    Flip the positive switch today!


    Positive Dragon Slayer


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  • Highly Effective Benefits

            If you’re not the cause in your life, then you’re everybody else’s everything affects. That is simply the equivalent of living your life in complete chaos, in a stampede right in the middle of a nasty world class tornado being constantly tossed, turned, thrown around, and stomped on never knowing exactly where it is going to hit you next. Constantly being blindsided in a bullish, negative avalanche is very harmful, damaging, and an extremely painful experience. When you learn to adapt to using the highly effective benefits of a positive thinking and deliberately install a positive mindset within your arsenal, you will learn to take control of all your thoughts and masterfully manage your thinking habits. You will deliberately direct and manipulate the forces of positive energies that surround you in the unseen spaces. You will therefore create your world and become the cause, the architect, the producer, the director, and the commander in chief – the general master of your life. Your mind is your powerful weapon, your fortress, and your platoon; your attitude is your instruments, tools, and receivers. Your faith and beliefs are your way to absolute completeness, freedom, love, security, success, health, wealth, happiness, abundance, peace, and the ultimate prize ticket to the magical, positive promise land of the realizations of all your most wanted desires, wishes, and dreams.

    Flip the positive switch today!


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  • Gestures, Manners, and Positive Actions

           Signs, symbols, signals, smiles, frowns, handshakes, and whistles – the secret treasure chamber is hidden within your own temple, your positive palace. Rejoice for the glory is within the path of virtue; your gestures, manners, and positive actions demonstrate your belief, faith, and character. Dreams within the jurisdiction of positive conscious control will propel themselves from the unseen world of creation and materialize them into the realm of the physical world. Unbalanced, wrong thinking creates chaos, destruction, turmoil, and negative effects. When your dwelled upon thoughts and chosen thinking habits are out of whack, dark, and negative, you’re not in control. Life becomes a cipher, a riddle, a dangerous fable. Appoint order and perfection to the thoughts you are thinking and the words you are speaking; make them a positive representation of your core, your path, and your direction. Your gestures, manners, and positive actions are signs, symbols, and signals for others to follow. Inject your mind and your will with a high dose of positive thought energy supply; fulfill your dreams with your positive desire and will. Avoid the negative traps and schemes; be a positive adept by all means. Your gestures, manners, and actions are a reflection of who you are. Make sure you leave your positive scar on the world; write your positive scribe today!

    Flip the positive switch today!


    Positive Joshua Tree


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  • The Positive Revolution

            Positive thinking its revolutionary! Join the positive revolution and make your life positive. Take charge and “rock the positive life”; remember if you’re not standing up for something positive in life, you’re sitting down and allowing negativity – you really don’t want that. Stomp out all the negative thoughts, beliefs, words, attitudes, moods, emotions, behaviors, actions, aspects, and effects today! Replace them all with the positive, join noNEG Nix in the positive revolution!

    Flip the positive switch today!


    Positive Crop Circle


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  • Positive Lifetime Commitment

            You owe it to yourself to make a personal, positive, lifetime commitment to a rewarding life of bliss, peace, harmony, love, light, smiles, rainbows, streams, colors, lights, and birthday cakes – a positive quest, the eternal voyage to the center of timeless splendor. The bright spark of the sun awaits the willing, positive seeker. Awaken yourself to your brand new world; stop chasing ghosts from the past and loosen that terrible noose around your neck. Life is a positive adventure with the right mindset. Unlock the dreadful chains, the shackles; you’ve found the secret, hidden, positive key deep within your secret chamber. The alarm clock of life is ringing, its time to get up, awaken, and release the real you that exits deep inside the dark vessel of nothingness, confusion, and pain. It’s time to avoid the unneeded stress; the constant, negative grind; the chaos; the struggles; the difficulties; the hardships; the suffering; the pain; the sorrow; the anger; the hate; the poverty; and the never ending problems. The sky re-arranges itself; the moon spins around the sun, and the temperature changes. We all deserve a better day; we all need love, fun, hugs, smiles, laughter, and the light of the sun. When your change your heart, it’s the grand, positive start. Make the lifetime commitment to restore positive life. The clouds will pass, the storms will come and go, it will be hot and cold, it will rain, and it will snow.
            You may be scared at first, you might trip, slip, stumble once or twice, or you might even fall. Life is energy in constant motion; cause and effect; action and reaction; and balance is the truth to the way of laws. It’s time to sit down in the positive, easy chair of life; unwind and breathe in the light, relax, wiggle your toes, and enjoy the fresh breeze of apples trees, birds, and bees. The walls will talk again, be a shining example of precious life. Let them be your scribes, your diligence, your future, your friends, and your eternal reward. As above, so below – the mirror of life reflects the colors in the divine spectrum of the bright light. The positive waves of life return to the sea eternal. The thought becomes the powerful force, the breath and the word, the way of the truth that gives creation reason, purpose, and meaning to our life. We build our eternal temples neither by hands nor power tools; we construct our temple with the pyramid of our thoughts and beliefs we deliberately will in the blueprints of our minds. The tree of life has long, strong, deep-grounded, solid roots with many exciting, glorious paths to test, dwell upon, reflect upon, and explore –spread your wings my friends! Something good is always better than something bad; faith is better than faithless, and sleep is better than sleepless. Living life positively is the ONLY way to live! Live life to the fullest in love, with love, and in light without fear, pain, worry, doubt, anger, sorrow, and regret. This is a positive lifetime commitment you need to make to yourself today and keep it! Forgive yourself and everyone else, love yourself again, and do your very best always – you deserve it! Life is worth living; make it a grand, blissful experience. Don’t let it fade away, begin life again and be positive!

    Flip the positive switch today!


    Positive Stone Henge


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