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  • Perfect Positive Puzzle

           Activate your positive life today! Choose positive thinking over negative thinking and focus your life on nothing but positive thoughts and positive thinking. Dwell on only positive aspects of what you desire and what you want in life. Give absolutely no energy, no thought whatsoever to what you don’t want. Use your positive privileges in your positive reward package and your positive magic that has been empowered to you from your disciplined positive thinking habits. All the pieces in the puzzle of your life will magically just fall into place and start to make sense to you. The “Positive Great Awaking” may seem difficult at first to begin your positive path because it does require time and discipline; however the positive mentally disciplined life is the easiest, most rewarding, enjoyable, and fun way to live life because it’s living the truth – the positive truth! Live your life according of the universal laws and know how to benefit from them in your desired favor from the proper positive use of the mental laws of cause and effect. The perfect positive puzzle you live in becomes crystal clear for you; the pieces now fit easily together and enables you to create your perfect positive picture of your desired dreams.

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  • Positive Headlights

            Staying on course is not always easy! The world is full of negative distractions, Illusions, tedious traps, mass confusions, and false negative promises from Mr. Negativity himself. Mr. Negative and his negative assault army of wrong, negative thinking constantly surrounds us in our lives. The lack of positive awareness keeps most of us in the dark. Not the best place to be when we do not have on our positive headlights turned on. We are not aware of the negativity that may lie in front of us, being unable to see the dangers of wrong thinking. By re-enforcing your mind with right, good positive thoughts; you keep your positive battery charged and your positive headlights stay on.
            When your positive battery is charged through thinking right, positive thoughts; your headlight no longer dims out and they stay bright and you avoid the disasters of Mr. Negative. Re-charge your mind everyday with positive thoughts; be aware of the light and the power that shines from your positive headlights. See what’s in front of you in your world and your journey will be a positive success story that you create. Enjoy the positive side of life; it Rocks!

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  • Creating Positive Mental Attitudes

         Make sure that your attitude controls your circumstances, if not your circumstances will destroy your attitude. Replacing negative thoughts and attitudes with positive thoughts and attitudes is a personal choice that takes conscious awareness on your part. Choosing to maintain a winning, positive mental attitude at all times takes a controlled, poised, constant, deliberate mental practice and a firm dedication to your positives belief systems. Being aware of your mental thought conditions at all times. Make sure your attitude is in charge. Plan to soar with the eagles, know what you want and go get it. Have a winning, positive attitude and set your sites high. A heart full of positive belief and faith always produces a winning, positive attitude. An attitude of positive belief will allow you to stand tall and strong through all circumstances, conditions, and situations. You choose your thoughts and attitudes. Wherever you want to be, whatever you want to do you will accomplish. You will be a winner; you will be a positive champion.

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