• Dreams and Demons

            Dark, light; good, bad; happy, sad; glad, mad; and love, hate – all are just mirror odysseys, reflections, of your thoughts, words, and beliefs. The mindset and attitude that you keep and maintain determine what you shall experience. Be it positive or negative thoughts, both bring about the exact opposites, the polar effect to your feeling, experiences, and realties. Your thoughts can be dreams and demons for they both have one thing in common; they both stem from the inner core of your subconscious mind. Your dwelled upon thoughts bring them to your world. Whatever thoughts you feed, focus, and pay attention to the most will grow, blossom, and manifest into your world be it in a positive way – your dreams, wants, and desires – or in a negative way – your demons, misery, and the things you do not really want. Support the good positive thoughts that bring about your wants, desires, and dreams and avoid the bad, negative thoughts that harm, destruct, limit, and bring you misery, hurt, and pain. Slay you demons and say hello to your dreams! Positive solutions always overcome any negative situations. All solutions and answers to whatever negative aspect that is dragging you down right now is all just a positive mindset away.

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  • Thoughts Are Your Direct Connection

           Your mental words create your realities; your inner thought world is the real reason for all your experiences. Your direct connection to the source is your thoughts; your thoughts give energy and birth to all of your worldly conditions, situations, circumstances, happenings, and experiences. So pay very close attention to them and be aware. Filter, monitor, and deliberately control the kind of thoughts that you choose to give energy to, focus, and dwell upon. This is very important for those thoughts will surely effect and impact your life and your world sooner or later – it is the universal law. If you don’t want a thing, condition, situation, circumstance, happening, or experience in your life, then don’t give the thought any energy. If you do want the thought in your life situations, conditions, circumstances, happening, and experiences, then focus on your thought and give it plenty of attention and energy by dwelling upon it and it shall be done to you. Life is exactly the way you choose to think about it, nothing more, nothing less. Your thoughts are your direct connection to physical world realities that you experience day by day. Your thoughts become your beliefs, your words, your actions, your today, your tomorrow, your future, and your destiny. Do this, think positive thoughts and make your life a positive experience and smile the whole time!

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  • Quote of the Day

    Quote 113


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  • Positive Quote of the Day

    Quote 103


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  • Simple Secret Recipe

           Avoid all negativity at all cost. Say goodbye to all harmful, destructive, and negative thoughts, words, attitudes, and beliefs. Enjoy the benefits of a strictly positive healthy life style; this sounds easy enough and it really is. Just be aware of your thoughts for they soon become beliefs, words, attitudes, actions, experiences, and realities in your life. As the old familiar saying goes, give negative thought an inch to grow and it will grow a mile. Don’t be consumed with any thought that does not benefit you in your life. Let those thoughts slide off and fade away; only put energy on positive thoughts that will bring you good and benefit you in your world. Whatever thought you dwell upon will grow and eventually manifest in your experience sooner or later. So think only about what you want, dream, and desire to be and occur in your life. This is the simple secret recipe for success, prosperity, health, happiness, and accomplishment. Refrain from all negative thoughts and deliberately focus your time and energy on strong, healthy, positive thoughts and watch your life become positively amazing.

    Flip the positive switch today!


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