• Master Your Own Destiny

            Our thoughts, words, and actions generate our life experiences. Take control of your thinking and master your own destiny. Think positive thoughts that make you feel good, make positive choices that make you feel good, and take positive actions that make you feel good. Live the life that you want, desire, and dream of. You can radically change your life for the better just by adjusting the way you think about things; get rid of your old, lazy, negative thoughts; and replace them with new and improved healthy, quality, positive thoughts. This is the simple, magical, positive formula to living a life without limits, conditions, or rules – a life full of magical rewards; a life of unlimited prosperities, success, and abundance; a life of positive plenty.

    Flip the positive switch today!


    Positve Whale


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  • Know Thyself

            The secret to everything in this life is to completely know thyself. When you master your thinking, you master your thoughts; when you master your thoughts, you then in turn master your world in each and every single way. You actually take the controls to mold, shape, form, and design your life experiences, realities, and destiny. Positive thoughts, beliefs, words, and attitudes bring about a harmonic, peaceful, joyful, rewarding, abundant, healthy, prosperous, amazing, and successful results. Know thyself and live your newfound, transformed positive life with positive strength, positive wisdoms, belief, and conviction. Free yourself now from the old, dark, dangerous, negative world and know thyself in the new transformed bright light of the positive free world today!

    Flip the positive switch today!




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  • Aha Moment

           As above, so below, and as below, so above; this is the aha moment. This is the secret of the ages, ancient wisdoms, hermetic teaching that clearly states that we each have this magical creation power within our own minds to create our own world and determine our own destiny. Our focused inward thoughts mirror exactly what our outward realities are; our thoughts really do become things that we have to live with in either a negative way or a positive way. Whatever we can imagine on a mental plane through our thoughts, it will exist in shapes and forms on the physical plane in our life experiences sooner or later. “If you can dream it, you can achieve it”, these are famous words from the great Walt Disney. Whatever you develop in your imagination you can create to your reality if you remain positive, focused, and believe. The powerful presence of your thoughts, beliefs, and words should not be ignored or taken lightly; or you will live your life by default. Awareness to your thoughts and their powerful creation power gives you the power to deliberately choose your thoughts that benefit your life. You create, design, and produce your world the way you want, desire, and dream it to be. Aha! I get it! Think, speak, believe, and act positive!

    Flip the positive switch today!




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