• Deflect Negativity Video Update!

    Check out the updated video!

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  • Making It Happen

         Try is a trick word! Believe it or not, try is a negative word that gets negative results! No excuses! There are those who try and those who make it happen. Both success and failure! Many of us have negative behaviors or addictions we’ve tried to overcome…. and if we have failed, the harsh truth is that it’s usually because we are satisfied with the causal negative attitude of “just trying”. Most often those of us who just try are not successful, our reasons for trying are generally selfish. We try because we don’t want to feel guilty, or because we want recognition from someone else. On the other hand, those who make it happen choose to have a positive mental mindset, one of desire and conviction. A mindset that will not accept that trying is an option.
         A strong, firm belief that they will achieve their desires is embedded inside of the very core of their soul. They expect to make it happen. And will not accept anything else but the fact of the deed done. Overcoming challenges requires a positive commitment to never giving up. Success comes from seeing what we want to accomplish, and deciding that until we cross the finish line there can be no turning back. Those who merely try usually don’t really want to make it happen. They chose to endure a negative mindset to convince themselves it is ok just to simply try. They just want to feel a little bit better about themselves. “Oh well, I tried” satisfies the negative mindset. The positive mind set and attitude is the sure winner for it accepts nothing else.
         Making it happen means making a firm, strong, and positive conviction to yourself; planted securely in your consciousness to achieve your wanted desires, goals, visions, and dreams no matter what. Nothing fazes the unwavering faith and belief of a “make it happen” person. Obstacles, distractions, and setbacks are merely stepping-stones on their positive pathway to success. For the end result is clear cut within their subconscious mind; they have already made it happen before over and over. They have seen the score in their favor again and again. The journey has begun inside their mind with vivid passion, emotion, and conviction with no doubt, no worries and having belief, courage, and faith that carries them.
         It is a done deal waiting to happen for them; they know this because their name is already inscribed on the prize trophy. At the end of the day, whatever challenge we are facing we have to choose whether we’re going to be someone who tries, or someone who is positive, believes, and has self-confidence with unwavering faith. And of course, who “makes it happen”. It’s not about trying; trying is the lack of faith in yourself. It is all about knowing that we can, and being positive knowing absolute that we will. As long as we are here in this world, anything is possible and anything is changeable. As long as we keep on pushing and persevering, we can and we will overcome all obstacles, circumstances, and conditions. We can never, ever give up. That’s how we “make things happened”.

    Flip the Positive Switch Today



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  • Positive Prinicples

    Positive principles

    You have control over three things in your life.

    1) The thoughts you think
    2) The Images you visualize
    3) The actions you take (your behavior)
    How you use the three positive principles determines everything that you will experience
    in your reality. Your circumstances are a direct results of your mental programming. If you do not like your Responses you are getting in your world, change your thoughts. ”Flip your Positive switch” and change your negative thoughts to positive to change your world. Change what you read, Change how you talk, Change who you associate yourself with, and make the positive choices. You will be simply surprised and amazed at the instant change. You are in charge of what goes in your mind. You are in charge of what you say, and what you do. The bottom line here is that you are creating your world. Your current thoughts and current feelings are creating tomorrow’s reality. Take Positive Control of three positive principles and use them to create your world as you desire. Be a Positive programmer.
    Stay positive
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  • Deflect Your Negative Thoughts

    Free yourself from the negative tyrants. Negative thoughts are your enemy thoughts.
    We have been slave to our doubts, fears, worry, anger, hate and apprehension. Don‘t let these kingpins of negativity limit your mind-set in your life anymore.  Because life is Energy and vibration, vibrate positive thoughts of success, happiness and prosperity! Feel rich, wealthy, successful and you shall be those things! Deflect all the Negativity! Don’t let negativity short-circuit your positive world, choose the positive mind-set. Flip The Positive Switch Today

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