• Perfect Positive Puzzle

           Activate your positive life today! Choose positive thinking over negative thinking and focus your life on nothing but positive thoughts and positive thinking. Dwell on only positive aspects of what you desire and what you want in life. Give absolutely no energy, no thought whatsoever to what you don’t want. Use your positive privileges in your positive reward package and your positive magic that has been empowered to you from your disciplined positive thinking habits. All the pieces in the puzzle of your life will magically just fall into place and start to make sense to you. The “Positive Great Awaking” may seem difficult at first to begin your positive path because it does require time and discipline; however the positive mentally disciplined life is the easiest, most rewarding, enjoyable, and fun way to live life because it’s living the truth – the positive truth! Live your life according of the universal laws and know how to benefit from them in your desired favor from the proper positive use of the mental laws of cause and effect. The perfect positive puzzle you live in becomes crystal clear for you; the pieces now fit easily together and enables you to create your perfect positive picture of your desired dreams.

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  • The Positive Boomerang Effect

            What you throw out at the universe through your thought vibration energies always comes back to you in one way or another in some shape or form. This is a fact, a powerful universal law of cause and effect. The fact is when you throw a boomerang out in this world, it will go out for a distance. Then the boomerang will make an abrupt turn right back towards you. You will certainly catch its return back to you where it first started, the origin of its launching point. So in knowing these great, amazing universal truths and wisdoms, why not throw out positives thought vibrations to the universe and receive healthy, happy, fruitful, and positive returns; they say what you put into something you will get back the equivalent plus more in return and it will be fruitful and multiply what you focus on! So the boomerang principal works like this, when you’re reaching out and helping others with positive deeds and events, you’re actually helping yourself receive more good more rewards in your world. The world is a mirror echo chamber of your dwelled upon thoughts. Your thought energies from inside your mind are eventually reflected to your outward results! Why not make them positive results. If you throw out a boomerang full of nasty negatives from Mr. Negative’s cleaver boomerang, get ready to receive a dark dose of lack, despair, destruction, and chaos. Use your positives awareness skills and only throw out positive boomerangs. For when you catch the return it will be a pleasant, happy, abundant, fulfilling, and a prosperous return. Enjoy the positive side of life today.

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    Our Positive Mission in Life, Deflecting Negativity around the world!



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