Passionate, burning desires mixed together with unwavering faith, belief, and enthusiasms produce invincible Positive Energy forces. With the right positive intent, your passionate desires that burn through you will produce miracles. A positive mind set with a heavy dose of Passionate Positive Desires will trigger the heat that launches a vigorous, positive energy that makes things move, shake and puts our desires into warp speed to our goals. Our Passionate desires produce success, victory, health, and happiness. When positive desires and passion control your thought moods, your creative flow releases attraction energy that expedites your wants and desires. The positive realization of your dreams will correspond to your requests and will produce more and more positive enthusiasms – they will create the positive desire domino effect.
When you’re on a roll, you’re on a roll, they say go with it. That feeling comes from the Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) supercharged with passion, enthusiasm, and burning desires. When you’re on your positive roll, you’re positively climbing to the top. Don’t stop to think about it or worry about it, those are negative thoughts of doubt and lack of faith with uncertainty that comes from Mr. Negative and his negative army. They try to trick you as though you are not worthy of your positive easy success. Deflect Mr. Negative immediately by raising your positive shield. And know that you deserve your prosperity, claim your success boldly and attract more and more. Don’t look back, keep pushing forward with positive powers to your positive destinations. noNEG Nix says “get out your positive shades, your going to need them because your future is so bright!” Keep the fire burning inside; stay passionate, positive, and true to your desires. Positive Passionate Desires are ambitions like taking the elevator to the next level of success, it’s a quick and easy trip.
Flip the Positive Switch today!

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