• Strengthen Your Mind Through Positive Thinking

           Character equals destiny. Strengthen your mind with positive thoughts and the circumstances in your life will yield to your positive desires, and you will gain positive control of your life. Become the positive master of your world and take control of all events in your life. Each thought you have tends to manifest itself in your life one way or the other; thought by thought, thread by thread weaving the blueprints of your inner thoughts and vibrations to mirror the exact images of your outward equivalent with precise, positive precision. The stronger your positive character and your positive belief, the more powerful your thoughts will be and the more quickly they will tend to manifest into your life one way or the other.
           The stronger the mind becomes through the process of positive right thinking, the more you realize there is nothing you cannot do or accomplish. Miracles will happen! Seeing the realizations of your life, dreams, and desires materialize will amaze you. To use the strength of your mind effectively, you must believe in your own mental powers within the depths of your mind and allow them the freedoms to create and express the concrete shapes of your desires. Your thoughts are alive. Be positive with your thinking! Positive thoughts equal positives results!

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  • Harness the Power of Positive Thinking

            Imagination is much more powerful than reason or any science; the imagination addresses the subconscious mind, which is very child-like and does not question any directives or requests – it just does it. This truth is very powerful knowledge; you can tap into the subconscious mind and harness the power of positive thinking to manifest all your dreams, desires, wants, and wishes by planting deliberate, positive thought seeds, positive implants, positive autosuggestions, affirmations, subliminal imagery, positive signs, and positive symbols that the subconscious mind recognizes. Knowing that you can create a dream from the infinite field of possibilities in your imagination, letting go of the attachment to the outcomes, and trusting that the higher powers will deliver is a difficult thing to grasp for most.
            The secret to harnessing the power of positive thinking is to let go and detach yourself from the process; don’t try to micro-manage the path and the outcomes, but have positive, absolute certainty, the utmost faith, trust, and belief that the subconscious mind and the higher power are already hard at work for you working everything out the way you imagined it to be. Know it in your heart and your soul by your outward demonstrations. Cultivate a deep abiding conviction in your true self-power to create anything you dream, want, wish, or desire; bear witness to the results of the fruit of your faith! Understand that you have all the power you need. Positive thinking and a positive mental attitude (PMA) certainly makes all the life experiences much more pleasant, easier, and enjoyable. When you apply the ancient principles of the laws in your life, you redirect the flow of energy and invite positive aspects, conditions, circumstances, situations, happenings, experiences, results, outcomes, and rewards. Learn to harness the power within yourself. Think positive, be positive, and live positive! Why wait, it’s your life!

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  • No Matter What

           No Matter what you must be positive, strong, and liberate yourself from all the destructive, harmful, and hurtful negative thoughts, emotions, feelings, and aspects that condemn you to lack, pain, sorrow, sadness, and limit you in all areas of your life. No matter what you must do a 180° positive turn and turn your life around for the better by changing your thoughts, beliefs, words, and attitudes. Positively transform your life today with the magical power that’s given to you by the transfer and release of old, negative thinking habits to the new productive, high powered, positive thinking and the focused deliberate habits of dwelling upon the right, positive thoughts, desires, dreams, and outcomes. You must believe and demonstrate your faith in the unseen, acknowledge the positive source, be thankful for your blessings, and declare your positive freedoms and victories. This is powerful and positive stuff, no matter what anyone says! Digest it and think about it. Let it sink in, no matter what!

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  • Picture of the Day

    Positive Celebration


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  • Simple Secret Recipe

           Avoid all negativity at all cost. Say goodbye to all harmful, destructive, and negative thoughts, words, attitudes, and beliefs. Enjoy the benefits of a strictly positive healthy life style; this sounds easy enough and it really is. Just be aware of your thoughts for they soon become beliefs, words, attitudes, actions, experiences, and realities in your life. As the old familiar saying goes, give negative thought an inch to grow and it will grow a mile. Don’t be consumed with any thought that does not benefit you in your life. Let those thoughts slide off and fade away; only put energy on positive thoughts that will bring you good and benefit you in your world. Whatever thought you dwell upon will grow and eventually manifest in your experience sooner or later. So think only about what you want, dream, and desire to be and occur in your life. This is the simple secret recipe for success, prosperity, health, happiness, and accomplishment. Refrain from all negative thoughts and deliberately focus your time and energy on strong, healthy, positive thoughts and watch your life become positively amazing.

    Flip the positive switch today!


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