Words are things! Just as thoughts are things! Choose your words wisely; the power of your words has consequences. Sometimes they are elevating; sometimes they are destructive. Words can hurt, heal, inspire, inform, confuse, or deceive. Words can restore a life or ruin one. Words can divide or unite; words can build positive bridges or they can put up negative barriers. Our speech is powerful; if we carelessly use words we deliberately choose negativity.
We set in motion damaging negative forces that threaten our conditions in a negative way. When we choose our words in positive harmony, we invoke positive results. This is one of the great challenges that will make the world a better place. A time when we can all come together united and carefully choose our words in the positive manner. True harmony shall emerge. The power of positive words does one good. Talk positive today! Now that’s positive!
Flip the Positive Switch today!
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