• As You Think, You Will Certainly Be

           Your life will follow your thoughts, so think about what you’re thinking about very carefully! Align your thoughts skillfully and deliberately on positive outcomes, as you think you will certainly be. Focus only on the positive side of things. You can choose your thoughts; you have total freedom to make the choice. Nobody can make you dwell on something you do not want to dwell upon, you ultimately decide on what you will entertain in your mind. What you dwell upon magnetizes itself to you by the universal law; so don’t dwell on destructive, negative thoughts you don’t want and magnify more unwanted problems, chaos, and mischief. Quit dwelling on what you think is wrong in your life and start dwelling on only your thoughts of what is right in your life – dwell on the positives. If you don’t set the positive directions in your mind by the proper use of deliberate, right, positive thinking habits, you will allow the negative conditions, situations, and circumstances to direct you. As you think, you will certainly be. Make the right, positive choice and be like noNEG “NIX” and raise your positive shield to deflect all negatives thoughts. Just simply “NIX” them out of your mind and only allow the right, positive side of life. Be the positive victor, not the negative victim!

    Flip the positive Switch today!




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  • Resistance Radio 5/12/2013


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  • Positive Blessings

            Today is a good day! Today is a great day! Today is a simply amazing day, an outstanding day, a wonderful day, and a fantastic day to start being grateful, thankful, and appreciative for all the wonderful blessing that we receive everyday in our life. Being grateful, being thankful, and being appreciative is a positive mental state of the mind that opens up the door for more positive blessing to come back to you simply by the use of the universal law of attractions. Likes attracts more likes to your world! Giving an expression of thanks for your blessing is an ancient wisdom that states blessing of anything multiplies the good in your life. The cause and effect echoes back to your life, your thoughts vibrate the mirror reflections of the Blessings.
    Whatever you think in your thoughts and say from your spoken words will be seeking more of the same.
            Whatever you bless expands and grows. Praising, blessing, and thanking works like a positive magnet attracting all kinds of good from countless sources based on the laws of actions and reactions. The persuasive power of gratitude works in magical ways. A simple thank you and smile goes along way. Instead of getting overworked up about the negative aspects of doubt, worrying, nagging, fighting, blaming, and complaining – all of Mr. Negative’s negative mind tricks – try flipping the positive switch and being positive. Bless your conditions, circumstances, and situations in your life and rejoice with the peace of mind to be thankful for the good you receive daily.

    Flip the positive switch today!



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  • Positive Headlights

            Staying on course is not always easy! The world is full of negative distractions, Illusions, tedious traps, mass confusions, and false negative promises from Mr. Negativity himself. Mr. Negative and his negative assault army of wrong, negative thinking constantly surrounds us in our lives. The lack of positive awareness keeps most of us in the dark. Not the best place to be when we do not have on our positive headlights turned on. We are not aware of the negativity that may lie in front of us, being unable to see the dangers of wrong thinking. By re-enforcing your mind with right, good positive thoughts; you keep your positive battery charged and your positive headlights stay on.
            When your positive battery is charged through thinking right, positive thoughts; your headlight no longer dims out and they stay bright and you avoid the disasters of Mr. Negative. Re-charge your mind everyday with positive thoughts; be aware of the light and the power that shines from your positive headlights. See what’s in front of you in your world and your journey will be a positive success story that you create. Enjoy the positive side of life; it Rocks!

    Flip the positive Switch!



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