• Creating Positive Mental Attitudes

         Make sure that your attitude controls your circumstances, if not your circumstances will destroy your attitude. Replacing negative thoughts and attitudes with positive thoughts and attitudes is a personal choice that takes conscious awareness on your part. Choosing to maintain a winning, positive mental attitude at all times takes a controlled, poised, constant, deliberate mental practice and a firm dedication to your positives belief systems. Being aware of your mental thought conditions at all times. Make sure your attitude is in charge. Plan to soar with the eagles, know what you want and go get it. Have a winning, positive attitude and set your sites high. A heart full of positive belief and faith always produces a winning, positive attitude. An attitude of positive belief will allow you to stand tall and strong through all circumstances, conditions, and situations. You choose your thoughts and attitudes. Wherever you want to be, whatever you want to do you will accomplish. You will be a winner; you will be a positive champion.

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  • Believe Positively In Yourself

          Believe in yourself with all your might! Believe that your destiny is inside you. There is an amazing power within you, which when awaked, aroused, and properly developed will grow allowing you to accomplish all of your desires easily and effortlessly. Faith in oneself is essential; your strong belief in yourself creates an inward vision deep in the core of your subconscious mind, which then fuels your desires, excites and pumps up your enthusiasm, and motivates your self-confidence. Positive faith, Positive belief opens the doors to all achievements. Miracles will happen, nothing is impossible when you believe in yourself. Keep a firm positive belief in yourself! Self esteem finds you easily when you believe in yourself. Never allow anybody or anything to shake your positive belief in yourself, find your center, stay in your center, and never ever let anyone or anything remove you from your center.
          Keep your faith, keep your beliefs true to yourself, and always stay positive, focused, calm, collected, determined and energetic .Keep on pushing on and the world will sooner or later make room for you pushes. All great miracles of civilization have been made from those who have a steadfast great belief, unwavering self-confidence and positive faith in their power to accomplish the tasks desired. The one who thinks they can will and the one who thinks they can’t won’t. One that is self-reliant, positive, and optimistic undertakes all ventures with the assurance of success. Unwavering positive Belief in yourself is the magical turn-key that attracts; a positive mental attitude will claim all things to you. Like magic it will magnetize the conditions for success, and pull success accordingly set your mind towards achievement of a certain desired goal. Hold in your mind with a firm positive belief that you will accomplish your desires with vigorous firm determination and passion and you will do so. Positive faith never fails you. Believe in yourself, and the world will believe in you to, the rest is easy

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  • Positive Certainty

          Become the “cause” in your life and not the “effect. Certainty is the power of unwavering faith and positive, steadfast belief in oneself. Certainty is just plain knowing what you want, and how to get it. Positive Certainty is the solid rock foundation for all success, all prosperity, and all achievements. Knowing is the activity of positive, mental certainty in your mindset. You will be successful when you master the positive mindset. Certainty is mind power over matter. Most people’s mindsets tend to lean towards the negative side, the “I’m not so sure” about whatever it may be they desire. Lack of faith and negative thoughts of the “I better think about”, sleep on it, think about, and think about it some more, will surely make the positive opportunity pass by.
          Negative traps of thoughts of doubt and worry are sent to you express mail by the master trickster, the “I really don’t want you to succeed in life, stay miserable with me Mr. Negative himself.” With positive certainty, you no longer stumble through obstacles and chaos of “hoping things” will maybe turn out all right; you are no longer at the mercy of every little thing that happens. You can put down your negative crutch and take over the positive steering wheel. You are in the driver seat and you become the “cause” of your life, not the “effect”. You are no longer a victim of conscious chaos and unfulfilled desires of gloom and doom, the negative road of misfortunes.
          When you’re certain you know absolutely with zero doubt in your mind, you have no negative traits within your thought process. If you don’t have absolute certainty in what you want or what you’re doing, the universe will provide you with the according effects. When you have an absolute, positive certainty mindset you just KNOW that everything will happen in your favor; and no matter what, things will just magically happen in you. Knowing for certain means you have evolved the right mindset consisting of Positive faith, belief, and courage. The power now lies inside you to harness all that you need to make all the things that you desire come to you. Be Positive, Be certain! Be all you can be, and know it! I’m certain you will be glad you did!

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  • Louisville Music News Article

    The Lane Goodwin Childhood Cancer foundation Benefit Results

    Man, I totally planned on attending/covering this wonderful event for the newspaper, but several days in a row of bad heartburn had me laid low. Next year for sure! I got the lowdown on the show anyway and I’m happy to report that a very good deed was done for some people in need. On Saturday, January 12 the first annual Show A Thumbs Up For Lane Benefit concert was held. This event was created with the combined efforts of the Thumbs Up for Lane Goodwin Childhood Cancer Foundation (Thumbs Up Foundation) along with noNEG101, nonegNix founder Mr. “Positive” Frank Karaglanis. The two organizations came together to put on a great show at Diamond Pub and Billiards in order to help raise money for a great cause – funding to help support the Thumbs Up Foundation. The money raised (over $5000) will be used to help the organization get started so they can be a center for support for parents who have children with cancers. The organization will also raise money to help fund the research for a cure for childhood cancers.

    The show had a great line up of bands that all came together in order to help support this great cause. Bands included Signal the Revolution, Code Red, Chase Allan, Cameron Jayne trio, Two Pump Chump, Zoo Kings, Manfred and Craig Neumann. No matter if you like country, rap, pop or rock, there was something for every one. Not only was there great live music, there was also a silent auction with great items donated from local and national businesses who came together for this great cause.

    People from as far south as Tennessee came up to Louisville for the show. The Goodwin family, George and Angie Goodwin, were also in attendance. People were able eat and drink while enjoying live music at Diamond Pub and Billiards. Band members also enjoyed the night interacting with crowd during their performance or having conversations with the people in attendance. The shows host, Frank Karaglanis, is very grateful for all the support. Special thanks to Lissa Wight who had the vision that triggered the event from idea to reality. Also special thanks to Jennifer Osborne, Joey Brown, Jim Coyle who Emceed the event, Jared Mathews who donated the venue, and all the team lane helpers and all the wonderful bands that contributed to such a great and worthwhile cause.

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  • Making It Happen

         Try is a trick word! Believe it or not, try is a negative word that gets negative results! No excuses! There are those who try and those who make it happen. Both success and failure! Many of us have negative behaviors or addictions we’ve tried to overcome…. and if we have failed, the harsh truth is that it’s usually because we are satisfied with the causal negative attitude of “just trying”. Most often those of us who just try are not successful, our reasons for trying are generally selfish. We try because we don’t want to feel guilty, or because we want recognition from someone else. On the other hand, those who make it happen choose to have a positive mental mindset, one of desire and conviction. A mindset that will not accept that trying is an option.
         A strong, firm belief that they will achieve their desires is embedded inside of the very core of their soul. They expect to make it happen. And will not accept anything else but the fact of the deed done. Overcoming challenges requires a positive commitment to never giving up. Success comes from seeing what we want to accomplish, and deciding that until we cross the finish line there can be no turning back. Those who merely try usually don’t really want to make it happen. They chose to endure a negative mindset to convince themselves it is ok just to simply try. They just want to feel a little bit better about themselves. “Oh well, I tried” satisfies the negative mindset. The positive mind set and attitude is the sure winner for it accepts nothing else.
         Making it happen means making a firm, strong, and positive conviction to yourself; planted securely in your consciousness to achieve your wanted desires, goals, visions, and dreams no matter what. Nothing fazes the unwavering faith and belief of a “make it happen” person. Obstacles, distractions, and setbacks are merely stepping-stones on their positive pathway to success. For the end result is clear cut within their subconscious mind; they have already made it happen before over and over. They have seen the score in their favor again and again. The journey has begun inside their mind with vivid passion, emotion, and conviction with no doubt, no worries and having belief, courage, and faith that carries them.
         It is a done deal waiting to happen for them; they know this because their name is already inscribed on the prize trophy. At the end of the day, whatever challenge we are facing we have to choose whether we’re going to be someone who tries, or someone who is positive, believes, and has self-confidence with unwavering faith. And of course, who “makes it happen”. It’s not about trying; trying is the lack of faith in yourself. It is all about knowing that we can, and being positive knowing absolute that we will. As long as we are here in this world, anything is possible and anything is changeable. As long as we keep on pushing and persevering, we can and we will overcome all obstacles, circumstances, and conditions. We can never, ever give up. That’s how we “make things happened”.

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