• Positive Attention

           How you think determines who you are, so be careful where you focus your attention. What occupies your mind and what you choose to dwell upon is very important. Your thought life will determine how much you earn, where you live, and what you become. By being aware of the this knowledge, it gives us the power to create ourselves a blissful life existence. What so ever enters our minds and occupies our dominant thought process will somewhere, sometime become a reality. You can literally change your life by beginning to think upon Positive, good thoughts and clearing out all the negative clutter. Whatever we pay the most attention to in our world expands and grows through the mental laws of attractions – likes attracting likes.
           You cannot afford the luxury of negative thoughts in your world; it disrupts your positive flow and creates a dark, sinister package full of fatal discontents, lack, chaos, confusion, ill health, failures, and poverty. Focus your attentions upon only positive, right thinking. Be careful what you focus your attentions on; for you will surly get them. Whatever a man sows, he therefore shall reap; and this refers to the action of our thoughts. Our attention to our thoughts gives them the energy to grow and expand. It is more or less the law of cause and effect, which is the universal, impersonal law. Spend your time thinking and paying positive attention to right, positive thoughts.

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  • The Positive Doorway

           Come on in! You’re welcomed to enter the land of your own the choices and your own creations, the positive land of no lack or limits. It’s simply an amazing, magical place of freedoms, abundance, and prosperities. You can open up your doorway to an amazing new world of incredible opportunities and self-fulfillment. This is the positive land full of abundance, wealth, riches, milk, honey, perfect health, freedoms, harmony, and prosperity. Begin to activate your consciousness by properly using the laws of the mind and right, positive thinking. By having a positive mental attitude (PMA) and the right mind set, it gives you the control of your desires in your world and sets you free of all negative aspects that try to limit you. The obstacles of worry, doubt, fear, blame, anger, and hate.
           Live your life as you choose, now be your own master of your ship’s destiny. You’re in control with your positive dedication. Deliberately training yourself by correct autosuggestions and complete dedication to installing the mind programs of positive, right thinking. Now, your positive self-belief, faith, and enthusiasms are the correct, invincible mindset and the world is yours. The light shines through the positive doorway. This is the path to positive freedoms. Make a deliberate choice to open up your doorway to the positive and walk on through. Once you do, your future will be so bright you better wear your positive shades.

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  • Creatures of Our Own Convictions

           Everything is one’s life is simply based on the principles of the universal laws. Cause and effect, the flow and echo of thoughts attracts likes to recreate the circumstances and conditions in which becomes your physical reality. Everything in our life comes through the gateway of our thoughts. The key is to understand the universal laws and use them accordingly for our own best interest, rewards, and benefits. We are all creatures of our own convictions; we cannot get beyond what we believe we are and what we believe we have. It is mental laws; only by right positive thinking will your mental attitude gravitate to a prosperous level.
           Only by thinking of prosperity and abundance can you realize prosperity and abundance in your life. In other words, according to your thoughts and beliefs you will either live of a positive, successful life or a negative thinking life of lack and discord. It’s only the positive mind that can create prosperity; the negative mind is not creative and non productive. It’s not so much what you do with your hands or your physical abilities, it’s what you do with your thinking, your thoughts, and your mind that really counts. Wrong, negative thinking will rob you of your good. Your mental attitude gauges your wealth, prosperity, and abundance; your over all supply. Narrow, limited, and small thinking produces narrow, small results. Positive, big, and unlimited thinking produces big, unlimited, positive rewards.

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  • Positive Power of Belief

           One who has absolute faith and belief in oneself will succeed at whatever one does. It is what we believe we can do, and will do, with positive, strong faith and conviction that will be done for us. The mind will lead us in the direction through our faith and conviction. The power of the subconscious mind will work like magic and will find the right, positive path for us to achieve all our desires. It will pull us to our beliefs and convictions. Having and maintaining positive beliefs creates a positive character; and a positive character is magnetic and sets out to the universe with positive energy pulses.
           Expect great things, believe great things, have faith in great things, and receive great things; all greatness will be yours. We are products of our thoughts and our beliefs. What ever we believe with passion, faith, and conviction with zero doubt; the mind conceives and believes and becomes fact! What we are seeking is actually seeking us through the amazing power of attraction of positive belief. Believe with all your heart and all your might and realize your dreams!

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  • Tick Tock

           Tick tock! Time is a thief to those who don’t use it properly. Don’t let it slip away, fade out, dissipate, rob, or steal away your visions, ideas, dreams, wants, wishes, hopes, and desires. Time evaporates too quickly into thin air for it’s here today and gone tomorrow! Use your time wisely and respect it for you will never get it back. Time waits for absolutely no one! Fly with time; step into your dream; and be the positive insinuator in your life, not the negative procrastinator. Don’t put off your life, live it to the max fearlessly with immense desire, passion, excitement, adventure, moxie, and fire. Pleasures, riches, smiles, rewards, and treasures come to the truly active seeker, reacher, and believer. Maximize every moment and transform your time. Be the tick and tock within the clock, live your life without limits and blocks.

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